
发布日期:2016-05-17 16:12

Potential Yunnan

♦      政策机遇宝贵
Precious Political Opportunity

♦      区位交通优越
Superior Location and Traffic

♦      资源禀赋优异
Outstanding Resource Endowment

♦      人居环境舒适
Confortable Living Environment


Precious Political Opportunity

Yunnan faces rare development opportunities and has bright development prospect and broad development space.

Yunnan will seize the opportunity of implementation of multiple national major development strategies in Yunnan. Based on its advantages regarding location, resources and opening-up and the like, it will make the most of domestic and overseas markets and resources and accelerate the leaping development.

Superior Location and Traffic

Located in the southwest border of China, Yunnan has very special geographic location by connecting East Asia, Southeast Asia and South Asia, adjoining Pacific Ocean and Indian Ocean and neighboring Beibu Gulf and Bay of Bengal.

It is also the geographic center of Asia. The capital city, Kunming, is the center of the 5-hour flight circle of Asia, the intersection of the south-north international passage and the third east-west Eurasia land bridge, and has the unparalleled location of "leading to the coastal areas by connecting Guizhou and Guangxi in the east, reaching the Central Plains via Sichuan and Chongqing in the north, heading down south to Thailand and Cambodia through Vietnam and Laos, and interconnecting with India and Pakistan by bordering Myanmar in the west".

It directs up north to connect the northern Silk Road Economic Belt, heads down south to connect the 21st-Century Maritime Silk Road, leads east to connect the "Yangtze River Delta" via the Yangtze River Economic Belt and goes west through BCIM Economic Corridor to link countries around the Indian Ocean. As the center of the Southern Silk Road, Yunnan is closely bound with Southeast Asian and South Asian countries through the Ancient Tea Horse Road, Ledo Road, the Hump and China-India Petroleum Pipeline.

By accelerating the construction of "Five Networks" including road network, aviation network, energy network, water network and internet, Yunnan aims to establish a comprehensive infrastructure system that can effectively support its development and better serve national strategies.

Highways: The highway traffic mileage of Yunnan is 4,005km. There are more than 20 trans-national highways and five great international passages (China-Vietnam, China-Laos-Thailand and China-Myanmar (two)). In the period of the "13th Five-Year Plan", it is proposed to construct highways of over 2,000km, attract RMB 370 billion of investment and substantially complete the construction of "seven trans-provincial and five trans-national" passages.

Railways: The operating railway mileage of Yunnan is nearly 3,000km. There are 8 trans-provincial railways and 5 trans-national ones (China-Vietnam, China-Laos, China-Myanmar, China-Myanmar-India and China-Thailand) leading to Southeast Asia and South Asia. The railway network composed of "eight trans-provincial and five trans-national" railways and radiating the inland areas has been substantially constructed. In the "13th Five-Year Plan", a railway network composed of "two longitudinal and two horizontal lines" is included in "Belt and Road Initiative" to form a rail artery connecting Europe and Asia.

Aviation: There are already 13 airports in service opened to more than 120 cities at home and abroad and having over 330 originating routes. In the period of the "13th Five-Year Plan", Yunnan will take Kunming as the center to open international routes directing to South Asia, Southeast Asia and West Asia and directly heading to Europe, America and Australia, to play the superiorities of aviation in the comprehensive transport system.

Waterway: The inland waterway range has achieved 4,200 km, with the shipping network composed of "two trans-provincial and three trans-national lanes" directly leading to Thailand, Myanmar and Vietnam and to Central China, Eastern China and Southern China, and connecting with Hong Kong SAR and Macao SAR. In the period of the "13th Five-Year Plan", RMB 490 billion of investments are proposed to be finished for road and waterway construction of Yunnan Province.


Outstanding Resource Endowment

Yunnan is one of the provinces with the richest resources in China and ranks the sixth in terms of total resources. Its per capita quantity of resources is twice the national average.

Biological resources: Yunnan accommodates abundant species resources, including 63% of higher plants, 70% of Chinese herbal medicines and 59% of vertebrates of China. It has long been known as "Kingdom of Plants", "Kingdom of Animals", "Home of Flowers" "Home of Spices", and "Biological Gene Pool".

Tourism resources: 12% of Chinese scenic spots are distributed in Yunnan. With well-protected ecological scenery spots, mild and pleasant landscape climate, beautiful natural scenery and colorful ethnic customs, Yunnan, in 2015, received 33.4 billion person-times of tourists at home and abroad and realized RMB 328.2 billion of tourism revenue.

Mineral resources: Reserves of 54 among the 142 kinds of discovered minerals rank among national top 10 respectively and those of 25 among national top 3 respectively. There are substantial reserves of such mineral resources as tin, copper, lead-zinc and phosphate. The proved reserve of coal resources is 24 billion tons ranking the ninth nationally. Yunnan is a national important construction base of "mutual development of mineral resources and electric power industry", the energy base of "electric power transmission from the west to the east" and a production base of tin, copper and phosphate fertilizer.

Hydropower resources: There are six famous river systems running through the province, namely, Jinsha River, Lancang River, Nujiang River, Red River, Pearl River, and Irrawaddy River. Besides, there exist more than 600 rivers with large capacity, blessing Yunnan with very abundant hydropower resources. The exploitable installed capacity is 95.7 million kW, taking up 25% of the exploitable hydropower in China and ranking the second in China.

Clean energy: Such types of new energy resources as wind power, geothermal energy, solar power and biomass energy have very superior advantages. The installed wind power capacity is 700,000 kW, with an effective wind power density of greater than 160W/m2. 76% of the reserve of solar power is available for exploitation and the number of effective utilization hours is up to 6,000. In 124 counties in the province, there are 654 natural geothermal outcrop points, ranking the first in China. The accumulated natural heat flow is 164,000 kilocalories per second, on top in China.


Confortable Living Environment

Special geographical location, complex landform, great altitude difference, rivers and lakes, and obvious three-D climate have made Yunnan a livable place with unparalleled natural scenery, favorable ecological environment and abundant species.

Yunnan has superior environmental conditions in terms of atmosphere, water, soil, mountain and bios and picturesque scenery, fresh air and pleasant climate. Yunnan has established 193 nature reserves of various kinds and become the province possessing the most types of nature reserves in China.

Yunnan ranks the third in China in terms of the forest covered area across the province (19.14 million hectares) and the second in terms of the forest growing stock. The forest coverage is as high as 54.6%, around 30% higher than the national average. Yunnan Province is one of the provinces with the most favorable natural environment and the best ecological protection in China and is also a famous healthcare, living and summer destination in China.

The rate of excellent air quality exceeds 95% for Yunnan. In 2015, such rate of downtown Kunming was as high as 97.7% which ranks the eighth in China. Yunnan has been advocating construction of the atmospheric environment monitoring network for environmental management, emission control, exhaust treatment and comprehensive urban governance across the whole province. 
